Bash: function converts relative file path to absolute

For converting relative path to absolute full path in scripts I use this simple function. Also it works with path which contain '~’.
# Get full file/directory path
# Examples:
# full_path=$(get_full_path '/tmp'); # /tmp
# full_path=$(get_full_path '~/..'); # /home
# full_path=$(get_full_path '../../../'); # /home
# @param {String} $1 - relative path
# @returns {String} absolute path
function get_full_path {
local user_home;
local user_home_sed;
local rel_path;
local result;
rel_path=$( echo "${1}" | sed "${user_home_sed}" );
result=$( readlink -e "${rel_path}" );
echo "${result}";
Usage example:
text="Enter path to applications folder:";
read -r -e -p "${text}" apps_path_user;
full_path=$(get_full_path "${apps_path_user}");
Download from Github.
Note: Tested on Ubuntu.